Project management & monitoring
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To ensure
that BE REEL! reaches its goals and has the desired impact, the project must be
managed and monitored at all times. This project management happens through
several channels (BE REEL! project management team, general steering committee,
communication steering committee) and each group focuses on different tasks.
The project is also monitored on its contributions to the different regional
renovation strategies, climate and energy problems, and the broader
socio-economic situation.
Project management
coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of the tools in Walloon municipalities
developing and implementing the different tools for the Walloon region, BE
REEL! is also coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the Quickscan, roadmap
and building passport in Wallonia. BE REEL! manages the selection of
municipalities, promotion of the tools, and monitoring of the selected
For more information
Complementary projects
There are also several projects and initiatives that are not covered by BE REEL! but are complementary to these management and monitoring actions.