Capacity building
In these actions, BE REEL! is expanding the capacity of all the stakeholders involved in the renovation process. The actions focus on:
- Learning platform, LearnWorlds, as certified database
- Trainings for contractors
- Trainings for renovation advisors
- Gathering information on the implementation of tools.
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Trainings for contractors
Trainings for advisors
Complementary projects
There are also several projects and initiatives that are not covered by BE REEL! but are complementary to these capacity building projects.
renovation information centres in Antwerp
In a city neighbourhood, residents can freely ask all questions related to living and housing in Antwerp in these information centres. Advice on buying, renovating, building, grants and living quality for tenants are offered for free. This directly contributes to the BE REEL! project goals.
services and sustainable renovation in the Ecohouse in Antwerp
The Ecohouse gives information, advice and coaching on sustainable building, smart energy and water use, greening the living environment and healthy living in the city. The aim is to inspire and lower thresholds for ecological building and retrofitting by energy advice services and financial support. The Ecohouse is a one-stop shop and directly contributes to the goals of BE REEL! in Antwerp.