new policy instruments

Quality of life through insulation and energy saving

The objective of this action will be to make the citizens of Mouscron aware of the energy saving potential of their property and to encourage them to renovate while becoming "energy" ambassador citizens among their peers. The aim will be to renovate 900 diverse properties over the course of BE REEL! (180/year). ¾ of all 20 000 homes in Mouscron have been built before 1981 so this is a considerable challenge.

Organisation of events and meetings

To achieve this goal, Mouscron will organize several types of events and meetings: a management committee to ensure this action is achieved, general awareness sessions, citizen meeting in their living environments, quarterly open-door events to demonstrate the use of insulation, support sessions for renovating citizens, and award ceremonies for citizen ambassadors.

Network of ambassadors

The 900 citizens of Mouscron that renovate over the course of BE REEL! will be a network of ambassadors that need to be supported to spread their experiences. Their awareness has to be raised so they will motivate others close to them.

Support package

The citizens will be able to apply for two types of support packages: an All-in formula and a Do It Yourself (DIY) formula where the citizens can do the work by themselves. In both cases the city of Mouscron will monitor the works and verify a good application of the insulation.

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