demonstration project

Budget-neutral retrofitting for vulnerable families

For vulnerable families who have limited financial means to invest in the renovation of their home, the cities of Antwerp and Mechelen will launch an innovative project based on the Flemish Energy Loan. They want to be able to guarantee that renovation for these families becomes budget neutral because the monthly savings after the renovations will be higher than the monthly financial cost of the energy loan. The goal is to realize 50-100 budget neutral loans in Antwerp and 25-75 in Mechelen.  

Expert advice

The target households will be visited by an energy expert that will advise them on the ideal measures and how to achieve budget neutrality.

Smart metering

The energy use of the family will be monitored by smart metering infrastructure. This is necessary to control for a rebound effect of the energy gains by behaviour.

Data platform

A data platform will be created to store the data of the households, monitor energy consumption, and compare with monthly installments to ensure budget neutrality.

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